The 2024 Taiwan-Indonesia Global Health Academic Conference

The 2024 Taiwan-Indonesia Global Health Academic Conference-

Exploring Opportunities for Bilateral International Cooperation in Teaching and Research between Taiwan and Indonesia's Schools of Public Health

The College of Public Health at National Taiwan University (NTU) and the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Diponegoro in Indonesia jointly organized a bilateral academic conference conducted both in-person and online. This year's conference marks the first in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on global health and environmental sustainability challenges.

The 2024 conference invites Dr. Budiyono, Dr. Triwibowo Ambar Garjito, and Ms. Nissa Kusariana to Taiwan to share their research findings. The conference is also live-streamed to the Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University in Indonesia, with approximately 185 faculty members and students participating both in-person and online.

CPH Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng and Director Kun-Hsien Tsai have a group photo with guests from Indonesia.

Left to RightMs. Nissa Kusariana, Dr. Triwibowo Ambar Garjito, Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng, Dean Budiyono, and Director Kun-Hsien Tsai

Left to Right: Dean Budiyono, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Indonesia,

Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng, College of Public Health, NTU, and Director Kun-Hsien Tsai, Global Health Program, NTU

Left to Right: Ms. Nissa Kusariana, the Lecturer of Department of Epidemiology and Tropical Disease, Diponegoro University, Indonesia,

Dr. Triwibowo Ambar Garjito Research Fellow; Research Center for Public Health and Nutrition, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia,

Professor Hsiao-Yu Yang, Institute of Educational and Occupational Health Sciences, NTU, and Director Kun-Hsien Tsai, Global Health Program, NTU

The conference is live-streamed for faculty members and students in Indonesia to join online.

Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng, Dean Budiyono, and Director Kun-Hsien Tsai delivered speeches on the first day. The conference invited five researchers from National Taiwan University (NTU) and five researchers from Indonesia to share their research findings. During the meeting, Director Chang-Fu Wu, Dr. Hsiao-Yu Yang, Dr. Chen-Yu Liu from the Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and Deputy Researcher Tsai-Ying Yen, Assistant Researcher Han-Xuan Chung from the Centers for Disease Control shared their research on PM2.5, heat hazards, epigenetics, wastewater epidemiology, and pesticide resistance genes with Indonesian students. There were engaging discussions and interactions during the conference. Indonesian scholars Dr. Budiyono, Dr. Mursid Raharjo, Dr. Triwibowo Ambar Garjito, Dr. Martini, and Ms. Nissa Kusariana shared their insights on environmental health issues such as pesticides, tropical medicine, and water resources with the Taiwanese audience. The attendees actively participated with numerous questions.

Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng delivered the speech

Dean Budiyono delivered the speech

Director Kun-Hsien Tsai delivered the speech

On the second day, new researchers and recommended doctoral and master's students presented their research reports. The diverse research topics covered global health and environmental sustainability issues with thorough and accessible discussions. The workshop included both an introduction and practical sessions on tropical medicine research to enhance mutual understanding of research efforts. Additionally, it offered laboratory visits and experience exchanges on environmental health research techniques of interest to Indonesian scholars.

Issuance of certificates to participating faculty and students

The academic research sharing conference between the National Taiwan University College of Public Health and the Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health, Indonesia, was supported by the third-year subsidy of the Ministry of Education's New Southbound Policy. The theme for 2022 was Environmental Health and Infectious Diseases, and researchers from Southeast Asian countries were invited to give online presentations. In 2023, continuing the theme from 2022, international scholars and young researchers from Southeast Asia were invited to share their work, and a student competition was held. In 2024, the theme was expanded to include environmental health issues such as climate change and One Health, co-organized by the Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and the Global Health Program.

This year's conference aims to establish a foundation for collaborative research through in-depth exchanges and discussions. By fostering mutual benefits, it seeks to attract students to apply for studies in Taiwan or to pursue overseas internships. Given the stable and mature tropical medicine research collaboration between NTU and the Indonesian universities, there is an expectation to gradually expand teaching and research cooperation in the fields of environmental health, occupational health, and global health in the future.

The group photo for all participants of the conference

The News Release from the Universitas Diponegoro