【GHP Lecture】How does UK Primary Care Work series: life as a GP in the UK by Dr. TienYu Owen Yang on Nov. 25, 2024
Global Health Program invited Dr. TienYu Owen Yang(楊典諭) to give a special lecture in the GHP Seminar course next Monday afternoon. This lecture will be open to all the faculty and students of CPH and conducted in English. Please find more information about the lecturer below if you are interested.
Date: November 25, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 15:30-17:20
Venue: R118 Lecture Hall at NTU CPH Building
Lecturer: Dr. TienYu Owen Yang 楊典諭 (MD (NTU) Paediatrics (NTUH) DPhil (Education, Oxford)
Lecture topic: How does UK Primary Care Work series: life as a GP in the UK
Registration: https://forms.gle/ZKNPCjL4sNYRKqqf8 (Deadline: 23:59 on November 24 Sunday)
Lecture summary:
GPs are at the heart of the NHS, but the NHS is in crisis. Trained in both Taiwan and the UK, Owen is a medical doctor and epidemiologist currently working as a GP. He will share his bittersweet moments trying to survive the NHS in a rural area in the Cotswolds.
About the lecturer: (https://www.ndph.ox.ac.uk/team/owen-yang)
Statistical Epidemiologist, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
GP registrar, NHS South Warwickshire
BMA (British Medical Association) member of the MASC (Medical Academic Staff Committee), South Central Regional Committee, and Oxford Division Executive Committee
Interest and expertise in
General practice and family medicine from cradle to grave
Life-course medicine and appropriate use of large data in research
Workplace equity, lifelong personal development and support of diverse portfolio careers (i.e. job description defined by individuals not by model contract)Dr. Tien-Yu Owen Yang is an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, with qualifications and clinical experience as a pediatric specialist. He has been engaged in epidemiological analysis and cohort studies for many years. After obtaining his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2009, he joined the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and was awarded the Outstanding Research Award from the Oxford University Population Health Sciences Institute in 2015. Dr. Yang has been long involved in the Million Women Study in the UK, and he is currently one of the main researchers in this study. He works closely with Professor Valerie Beral, a senior epidemiologist and founder of the Million Women Study. His research also includes pediatric epidemiology, specifically focusing on the long-term health effects of multiple exposures during childhood. Dr. Yang has also participated in statistical data analysis meetings at related research institutions, such as the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and the British Heart Foundation. Currently, his main research focus at Oxford is in life course epidemiology. What makes his background even more unique is that in recent years, he has returned to clinical practice in the UK to receive training in general practice, which allows him to share insights with students about the UK’s public healthcare system.