[Summer Intensive Course] MGH7039 Historical and Cultural Context of Health Behavior

Adapting B.F. Skinner’s classic book in establishing the foundations of behavioural science Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971), this course aims at examining the historical background and cultural elements behind health behaviours in order to investigate, consider, and debate on the humanly constructed “environment” as opposed to biophysically, genetically, based conditions of critical social conducts. In this year, the course aims at studying “Evolving Culture and Changing Environment” (進化中的文化及改變中的環境). Students taking the course are required to form a group and prepare an audio-visual presentation in class and submit a paper with 1000–2000 words at the end of the course.

This course, delivered in English as a GHP elective course with maximum enrolment of 40 students, happens in summer vacation and is available to undergraduate senior students, master’s students and above. The course will be counted as credits for the 2022 Fall semester. Please refer to the syllabus : https://reurl.cc/b2gng3 .  

The deadline of registration is by Junly 15, 2022. Please remember to sign up through https://forms.gle/8PonCkjFPV6Qr5it5 .